Hello My Friend,
It happens to the best of us! The onslaught of negativity, burdening our mind, our body and our spirit.
Be ready for when ANY thought that is less than optimistic or productive or creative or love-centered taps on your mind, heart or spirit!
Remember this ▼▼▼
In every moment you have the power of choice! It may not feel like it (most likely, it won’t) but this is not a time to trust your feelings. You always have the power to choose your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions.
In preparation for when negativity strikes, take every opportunity to practice the following 3 steps every day this week.
Take these 3 Steps:
1. Ignore your feelings of fear, doubt, anxiety, etc
2. Know what you know to be the truth – and say it out loud (scripture, affirmation or chant)
3. Take immediate action to stay on your course – do not linger
Do this several times each day and you will find yourself becoming a master of self-discipline and maintaining optimism and productive creativity, at will.
Wishing you a week of abundant joy and productivity!