Hello My Friend,
As I was taking off my sneakers this morning, it hit me like a ton of bricks! Again. I REALLY ( I mean REALLY) did NOT feel like working out this morning – as I said to Chris as we began. Just something about dancing around to Zumba, planking and sit-ups that was NOT appealing. But I pressed on.
What hit me was this — the reason why we have to press through past our personal resistance and why it IS good to press through is because it is the act of moving forward THROUGH some bad feelings about doing a good thing that sends a message to our brain that WE ARE SERIOUS about taking control of our life – which includes taking control of our feelings, in order to create our best possible life.
When we send that message not only does it “feel” really good to win that round but, we also cut some new grooves of behavior pathways in our fabulous brain; Grooves that get deeper and more reliable the more we do that thing, in spite of the resistance we feel. After time, little bad feelings of malcontent simply won’t have the power to stop a good thing from happening in your life.
SO… ESPECIALLY when you don’t ‘feel’ like doing a thing…THAT is precisely when you must. The greater the resistance, the greater the rewards.
Go do that thing! lol 🙂
Wishing you an abundance of resolve, commitment and joy,
Julette Millien