Day 16 of 21 Days of Love in Action
Hello Friend!
Today let us focus on a specific person and show that person love, love, love …a young person, a senior, a friend you have not spent enough time with lately, a family member in need of some loving attention…just focus on one and shower them with love.
Pick someone and do as many of the following as you can:
- Tell him/her something wonderful you’ve noticed about how they think or live
- Spend 10-30 minutes (or more if possible) together doing something of their choice
- Buy ( or make) them a small gift of appreciation
- Surprise them by doing something you KNOW they would love
- Write them a love note, and leave it in a spot to be found later on – Check out this article for ideas
- Cook a meal together
- Play their favorite game and really try to get into it
- Ask their opinion on something important and listen to learn not to criticize
- Grant them forgiveness for something they’ve done
- Ask them about their goals/dreams/wishes, asking follow-up questions with sincere interest and enthusiasm.
Add what you’d like, just have fun and do it all with love.
Wishing you an abundance of love and joy,