We are expanding our review. Instead of looking back on the 21 days of detox challenge, as we are at the end of 2010, let us review the entire year.
Why do a yearly review? In keeping with living life at your highest and best, going from one year to the next without capturing the lessons learned would be a complete waste. A waste of valuable insights, of time spent making mistakes, of energy devoted to planning for a successful new year.
Yes, it would be a waste of planning because without capturing the lessons learned, you will be repeating the same mistakes – life and God tends to send us experiences to teach the same lessons over and over until we get them. So reflecting and learning are essential steps to take throughout the year and surely as you are about to begin a new one.
I suggest you write the responses to these questions in ‘the book.’ If you used it throughout the detox challenge, reviewing it now will perhaps be helpful in answering these top eleven questions. If you did not, starting The Book now is a brilliant idea. Having a book dedicated to exploring and reflecting on lessons learned is as old a ‘secret to success’ as success itself. What better time to adopt this life-changing habit that at the start a brand new year?
Here goes:
11. What was the personal highlight or accomplishment of 2010? [How did you participate in making it happen? Why was it the highlight? What is it about this event or highlight that speaks to your highest dreams and goals? If it doesn’t, why is it your 2010 personal highlight?]
10. What was the professional highlight or accomplishment of 2010? [How did you participate in making it happen? Why was it the highlight? What is it about this event or highlight that speaks to your highest dreams and goals? If it doesn’t, why is it your 2010 personal highlight?]
9. What are the top 3 mis-takes made in 2010? [ from a director’s perspective, a mis-take is a bit of film that will be re-shot…hint, hint… J]
8. What lessons can be learned {or have already been learned} from these mis-takes?
7. How will you apply those lessons in 2011?
6. Looking at your daily habits which one or two would you loose in order to accomplish your goals for 2011?
5. Which of your present daily habits helped you the most in 2010? How can you take it to an even higher level in 2011?
4. Which new personal habit, if added to your daily routine in January, would help you the most in achieving your goals for 2011?
3. Looking at your self-talk…what phrases did you rely on in 2010 that YOU KNOW have hurt your self-image and consequently your ability to produce the outcomes intended?
2. What can you replace them with in 2011? [What positive, inspiring and more accurate statements, affirmations or scripture can you consistently say to yourself?]
The ‘final’ question is taking you firmly into 2011…
1. What are your top 5 goals for 2011? [one goal for each of the Five Vital Venues self, home, work/business/school, relationships and community/Place of Worship]
In addition do the following to begin 2011 on the best footing ever:
After a few minutes of complete stillness – as complete as you can get, consider your top 5 goals for 2011… Imagine those goals/objectives – one at a time – being achieved at the highest level possible. Sit with that imagination, filling in all the details at hand for as long as you have time to devote to this exercise but for a minimum of 2 minutes per goal. Remember, you are imaging the doing of the actions required to achieve the goal as well as the achieving of the goal. [So don’t just focus on the celebration, focus as well on the action steps involved in your success.]
Team up with an accountability partner and share those goals. Request help where needed with holding yourself accountable, scheduling sessions with your partner and making an agreement in writing.
Take each goal and break it down to actionable items for each month/week and day. This will take some time, depending on the scope of your goals. But if you are serious about achieving these goals and objectives in 2011, spending the time needed to prepare for action is a sure sign of your success. Abe Lincoln said it best, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
So a quick recap – answer the 2010 life review questions in writing, imagine taking the steps and achieving your 2011 goals, build in accountability and then break each goal down into action steps.
Spend quality time on this exercise and 2011 will be by far the BEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE.
Wishing you an abundance of love and light,
All program messages and updates for the 21-Day Detox Challenge are here ►Habits That Help Blog – this series began on December 8th, pre-work began on December 1st.