How are things in your neck of the world? In the US it’s Memorial Day and many people are celebrating with family gatherings and outdoor grilling. We are grateful for those people who have sacrificed life and limb for their country.
THANK YOU and God bless you — we have a few on this 21-day journey,actually. 🙂
So… let’s simplify.
To achieve extreme success we must grab the essence of life’s lessons and principles and be very succinct about our actions, thoughts and ideas. We must simplify.
Even if only for a few minutes today, (the length of time is often not the point, instead it’s the quality of minutes spent engaged in a specific exercise) de-clutter your mind, your space and your life.
Do our 3 daily exercises as usual…relax, imagine; forgive and take an action step towards your goal. Today your 21-day goal-related action step can be to simplify.
Here’s how:
- Mentally — be still after your relaxation and imagination time and focus in on ONE important thought about your life. JUST ONE. Think on that thought for 2-3 minutes. When other thoughts try to creep in, just gently (very gently) coax them away and go back to your one essential thought – the very essence of your thought life today. One thought that captures it all: If you were required to come up with a tag line that describes exactly where you are and what is important about your thought life and goals TODAY, what would it be?
- Your Space: Choose one spot that would take 15-30 minutes to organize and tackle it. If it’s not done in 30 minutes, and you have the time to continue, do so. If not, let it be your goal for the next few days to complete the organization of that specific area of your space. Additionally, make a list of all the areas of your space or home that requires simplifying and/or de-cluttering. Excellence cannot exist for long in chaos.
- Your Life: What is the essence of my ideal life? How would you describe your ideal life in one sentence? Which daily activities add clutter to your life? Which ones do the opposite? Which people in your life bring joy and optimism and which ones bring pessimism and negativity? Which of your emotions and thoughts free you and which ones limit you?
- Spend 20 minutes reflecting, writing and clarifying for your self the areas of your life that is presently cluttered and needs de-cluttering.
- Write a few statements of intent. How do you intend to increase the optimism and joy (that results from order, organization and productivity) and decrease the pessimism and negativity? In which areas? To simplify my life and get to my essence what would I have to do?
- End this session where you began with an answer to the question…what is the essence of my ideal life?
The wonderful thing about this exercise is that people find out how “essentially” the same or similar we are.
So share your answers and let’s simplify together.
Have a magnificent day, wherever you are. 🙂
With love,
P.S. This message is a part of the 21 Days of Action & Accountability – a free event. Day 1 was Thursday May 19th and previous preparation exercises can be found here.
Creating Habits that Help the World…