How you prepare for a journey determines the quality and quantity of benefits you receive from the journey. So prepare well! Today we create lists which will be used during the 21 days.
If you have done this exercise previously, I strongly suggest doing it again and compare your answers after the second round.
The 21 challenges are each thoughtfully selected and designed to get you to tap into your best stuff. So make use of them and prepare to perform at your highest and best.
Creating lists is a wonderful way to tap into your deeper answers because as we create a list, our brain jumps from one thought to a next without editing and judging. The key is to record what comes to mind with no delay. Just write and keep going. After the exercise you can review and assess, looking for connections and insights.
Today in preparation for challenge #15 ….forgiving at least one someone or something every day for 21 days, I’d like you to do the following: [write in “The Book”]
- Create a list of all the things you feel guilty or shameful about
- Create a list of all the things you’ve done that you regret or feel remorseful about
- Create a list of all the people (you know about) you have hurt or offended
- Create a list of all the people who have offended you – deeply enough to remember
- Create a list of all the things that annoy you regularly
- Create a list of the major violations of your life – major means it caused tremendous pain and the impact lasted a significant period of time
These lists provide you with ample to forgive. If on a daily basis throughout the challenge you find you have nothing to forgive for that particular day, you can consult this list and choose something or someone to release. Remember the goal is to release/forgive at least one thing per day. These things can be “small” incidents that occur during the course of the day or they can be bigger issues that have been weighing you down for months or years. It is your call, your decision.
Now after creating these lists be aware of where your emotions take you…observe, like a reporter what happens. If time is needed to reflect on some old hurts, take the time. But don’t stay there.
To strike balance and keep things honest, please create these lists as well:
- Create a list of all the things you feel happy and grateful about
- Create a list of all the things you’ve done that you are proud of
- Create a list of all the people you have helped, supported and/or taken care of
- Create a list of all the people who have helped, supported and/or taken care of you
- Create a list of the things that make you smile and feel happy about regularly
- Create a list of your major accomplishments and things you have survived (and even thrived after surviving)
End this exercise with a 5 minute imagination session. Sit still and be at peace, imagining with as much vivid detail and brilliant colors as you can muster the wonderful outcomes of this 21 days of detoxing your spirit, mind and body.
How awesome is it once the ‘gook’ is out of the way and you soar to your true heights? How much joy do you feel? What do you look like in this state of high energy and deep joy? How are you interacting with your loved ones, friends and business associates? And your productivity, how is that benefiting?
Imagine all the outcomes exactly as you wish them to be…but not in the future, see them as real right now. See yourself experiencing those outcomes right now. Let your mind do its thing…create the reality of your life.
This is one of the most important exercises you can do during this detox. Our imagination is powerful and we must learn to use it to our full advantage. What we feed our brain with thoughts and imaginings becomes the foundation of any real lasting success with personal behavior change. These techniques have been used for centuries and they have worked. Let’s do what works!
Wishing you an abundance of peace, joy and excitement,
This message is part of the pre-work for the 21-Day Detox Challenge – Spirit, Mind & Body. All previous messages can be found here. The video introduction is here.
You can still join – we begin on Wednesday. December 8, 2010.
All program downloads can be found here (chart of challenges, self-evaluation, agreement form and handy checklist of all preparation exercises)