Hello My Friend,
Why do we – those of use who feel any kind of commitment or pull towards ‘positive living’ and promoting thoughts of love – why do some of us feel like that means we have to stay away from challenging people to a higher level of truth and living?
It’s as if, good ole fashion discussion, debate and enlightenment are “too negative” a concept. “if you can’t say something positive, say nothing” is getting twisted.
It’s as if, the political and emotional correctness has us bound to so called “positivism”… how do we grow, learn and do our jobs as critical thinkers who love our world, if we don’t push back here and question there?
We have to do what serves Love most. And that is speaking and living the truth — and if some folks are offended, perhaps ( if they permit it) through that offense they will grow.
We’ve got some things twisted and one of them is that because the truth hurts we should speak less of it.
We are catering to immaturity and having been dumbed down. We have become so very ‘fragile’ – those in the ‘keep it positive’ world.
And then we have those folks who use the internet as their negativity stomping ground…who lash out not on principle but just because their emotions are twisted up and you just happen to be there. Forgive them.
We can disagree and not be hostile but for goodness sake, let’s not loose the ability to grow through dialogue and discussion with a view towards the truth, beyond the realm of opinion and personal drama being used as feedback.
Growth and increase is only possible through some agitation and challenge…and that’s all a very good thing. What, after all could be more “positive” than that?
So the next time you think to hold your tongue because you just might offend someone with the truth, consider speaking it with sincerity and framing it with love. But do speak it!
Sending you an abundance of Love &Light,