Thank you for stopping by this page to take a closer look at me, the person behind Habits That Help.
It is my purpose in life to serve God by serving people. I will serve by first being the very best me I can be!
To lead you at my highest and best, I’ve got to be walking the talk at my highest and best. I also have to succeed at being a good follower. Every coach has to be first coach-able .
My spiritual guide is Dr. Therman E. Evans, Senior Pastor of Morning Star Community Christian Center. Dr. Evans is also a physician, motivational speaker and author. His latest book From Purpose to Promise Driven Life: A Prescription for Making the Difference You were Born to Make was my favorite book of 2009. It’s a ‘must-read’ for anyone serious about their spiritual development.
My work is all about helping to build the capacity of individuals, organizations and society. Helping others to have a positive and lasting impact in our world makes me very happy.
I grew up in Trinidad (in the West Indies) and I have vivid memories of playing at being a teacher, teaching the alphabets to 2 year olds when I was just 5. My mother used to love to remind me of how I even wore high heeled shoes (hers of course) to do my teaching. I just can’t recall a time when helping, teaching and coaching wasn’t a major source of joy.
Here’s how I do my work:
►coaching individuals – through the forgiveness process; creating new success habits like communication, accountability, organization, goal-setting with an emphasis on self-image mastery
►training and facilitating groups within organizations
►writing books and creating products to inform and transform
► helping to establish and build the legacy of my clients.
This is what I was placed here on earth to do; capacity development. I do this by helping you to create your best life, to positively impact the world and to leave a lasting legacy.
I am a deeply faithful woman of God; more at peace with the “spiritual” rather than the “religious” description as I have found the former to be more inclusive.
As a lover of people, I am deeply gratified by my work. It’s not work in the traditional sense of the word – arduous, energy draining, ‘not fun’…for me, work is an opportunity for serious fun. Instead of energy draining it’s uplifting and invigorating. Time flies and there’re a lot of smiles.
This is how work should be for anyone who is connected to their passion and at the same time, providing a service that brings value to the world.
When I’m not working, I am with my family – husband, Chris and 3 children. Oh! We can’t forget Benny the cocker spaniel, Snowy the Bishon and Molly and Angel the cats.
I hope your visit here is fruitful. I invite you to sign up for the 21-day series offered on this page – left margin. It’s free and life-changing… IF you are committed to personal empowerment and your intention is to impact the world.
Let’s be the change our world so urgently needs!
Wishing you an abundance of joy, peace and light.
If you are on Facebook, you can see my full profile here.
For other educational and professional highlights, more information is provided here.
For my personal story of my forgiveness journey, you can go here.