Yesterday I suggested you “adjust your mindset” with regard to this 21-day detox challenge we are about to begin. Now I know THAT suggestion is WAY more “easier said than done!”
So today let’s go just a little deeper.
How does one adjust a mindset? Below is my strategy for ‘in the moment’ adjustments. When I know something needs to be done NOW, I take the steps outlined below.
Now of course there are things to do with mindset adjustment that is proactive and recurring. As a matter of fact the proactive approach is vital to mindset improvement and adjustment.
Let’s just look at the ‘in the moment’ response right now.
Here’s my approach:
- FIRST – recognize a change is needed and accept that fact
- Be completely still in the moment of recognition – for 10 seconds
- Take 3 DEEP breaths as I consciously breathe in new energy and new power
- Repeat a prayer, affirmation or chosen scripture – chosen just for this moment…these words must be empowering and said with COMPLETE enthusiasm. If the enthusiasm is not there at first, say it until it is real – takes me about 2-3 times to get the real enthusiasm needed, it used to be more!
- Consciously think the thought that I know reflects the mindset I’m after – so if I want to be playful and I know it’s not happening yet, I’d think “Being playful right now is EXACTLY what I want and need in order to enjoy this moment with______.” It also helps for me to visualize how much of a blessing it would be to the person I’m with if I were playful right now. In this step knowing my ‘why’ is crucial. Why is a mindset change, right now, needed?
- Be still again as I breath deeply and give thanks to God for this mindset transformation
- Take note of how long that change took to happen and what I was doing when it ocurred (this is the learning process, to help me with next time)
These steps work…try them now as you take yourself from one level of involvement and commitment to another.
Here are some empowering thoughts I use about our challenge:
These will be the best 21 days I’ve had all year long
I LOVE challenges, so this will be SO much fun
The preparation for this detox is essential – like laying a foundation for a house
Some of the challenges will REALLY stretch me and I’m going to LOVE the feeling of being stretched
These are just a few…you come up with some of your own and share them with us. The more passionate you are about these ‘go-to’ empowering thoughts the quicker the mindset adjustment. Have fun with this! 🙂
Wishing you an abundance of peace and joy,