Dear One, This has become my battle cry – Take Action NOW! I’ve long felt that the self-help industry is too much about writing and reading great-to-good to redundant books and not enough about people feeling their empowerment and TAKING ACTION. We need to read less about taking action and …
Habits That Help Blog
5 Things to Remember Within 5 Minutes of Waking Up to Guarantee a SPECTACULAR Day!
Dear One, I promise you, remember these 5 things and your day will begin with the most inspired mindset and open heart; ready for all the miracles of the day. 1) If you believe in God, remember GOD LOVES YOU – NO MATTER WHAT! If you don’t believe in God, remember YOU ARE LOVED because …
Being Accountable – jokes and quotes
Hello! A little Monday morning humor for you... :-) Ask yourself: What will I be accountable for this week? Who will I be accountable to? How will I demonstrate my accountability? Affirm this: I will NOT blame anyone this week for anything! Just as I am dedicated …