Pray this with me each day this week? Amen. :-) Wishing you an abundance of peace, joy and love, Julette Millien ~♥~ …
Habits That Help Blog
The #1 Toughest Person to Forgive…
Hello My Friend, If you are struggling with self-forgiveness I urge you to face the challenge head on. This will be the most significant victory of your life so far. You may need some practical help and daily steps to take, see this Daily Forgivness Ritual and this article on "What is …
5 Things to Value More Than Your Ego
Hello My Friend, Apologizing is not a statement of culpability or blame. It is often simply a statement of peace. It reflects what you value most. If being right (ego) or pride (ego) or fear (ego) stops you from apologizing, your ego is guiding your choices. What do you value …