Hello My Friend, Have you considered lately how powerful your imagination is? Do you realize that the things you imagine daily…they actually happen, eventually? Think about it…what are some of the most recurring scripts, dreams and visions rolling through your mind each day? Do you dwell on …
Habits That Help Blog
“Imagine” ♫♫♫ Herbie Hancock, Pink, Seal and India Arie…Sweet!
Hello My Friend, This rendition of the classic "Imagine" resonates deeply and I thought of you...please enjoy ♫♫♫ Imagine by John Lennon Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too Imagine all the people …
12 Miracle Makers – Do Less & Be More
Hello My Friend, Please review and apply where needed. Wishing you an abundance of love, Julette Millien ~♥~ …