Hello friend! The article below was posted last September. Though Snowy is no longer alive the lesson of this article is timeless and as Sandy raged through our cities and neighborhoods, I couldn't help but reflect on how still we (those of us in her path) were forced to become. Right after …
Habits That Help Blog
Top 10 Feelings To Get Rid of To Be Happy
Hello Friend, Imagine this: you're in real danger and need to run to safety...do you drop the heavy bags of groceries you're carrying? Unless there is something of tremendous value in that bag - like a child …
Three words to Peace, Joy and love…Seriously!
Hello friend, This is no mere cute headline! The three words you need to speak, feel and deeply mean are: “I forgive ALL.” Think back – perhaps you don’t have to go so far back – to the last time you were less than at peace, feeling joy or giving love, do you recall the reason? Were you …