Seriously, why bother with fixing this and fixing that? Why be better at getting better? What is the point, really, of self-help, self-love and self-esteem? Is it to just feel better about you, your life and your loved ones? And then what? Is it to be …
Habits That Help Blog
How to Get Productive And Stay Motivated – 20 Powerful Tips
Hello! In responding to a friend’s email recently, it occurred to me that we can all use these suggestions for staying motivated. Her question was ‘how do I stay physically motivated?’ So here it is: Physical Motivation is something we all need everyday; some days more than others. …
10 Things to Drop So You Can Get Light
Hello, Imagine this: you're in real danger and need to run to you drop the heavy bags of groceries you're carrying? It's instinctive, we lighten our load when the journey requires it. So why not drop the emotional …