Hello! Habits –good ones at least, especially those that help you to help others, are a good thing, right? So what could possibly be dangerous about a good habit? Habits that are good are generally considered good because they add value to (your) life. I think we all could agree to that. The …
Habits That Help Blog
The #1 Key to Creating Success Habits
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out… Robert Collier One worthwhile task carried to a successful conclusion is worth half-a-hundred half-finished tasks. Malcolm S. Forbes Successful men and women become successful because they acquire the habit of thinking in terms of …
How To Avoid The 5 Top Deathbed Regrets
Hello, Bronnie Ware wrote about her experience as a palliative nurse taking care of those who were dying. She gathered her research and wrote a book titled The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. An excerpt from her book is in an article at her website here. Here are her findings with some …