Hello! Love in Action IS love... at its highest and best; so let's get into action! Today is Day 1 of our journey of love. [Link to Facebook event is here] Let us begin at the beginning. Love, to have any real and lasting meaning in our life has to find a home in our own …
Habits That Help Blog
21 Days of Love in Action
Hello! Let's spend 21 days together - virtually - spreading love all over the world! Doesn't that just sound wonderful!? The VISION is to have people from every country represented on Facebook participate in spreading the joy and power of love in action. The MISSION is to enthusiastically …
11 “Selfish” and Powerful Acts of Kindness
Hello! There are 5 Vital Venus of life: Self; Home; Relationships; Work/Business/School; Community/POW (place of worship). To live a whole, balanced and joy-filled life – no lopsided happiness or success – being kind and productive in these Five Vital Venues is essential. The first venue …