Hello, It’s common knowledge that the holiday season is a stressful time for many people. We’ve come to expect it, just about. The increase in human interactions and conversations (through the shopping, parties and other gatherings) makes it more likely that someone will say or hear something …
Habits That Help Blog
Five Fabulous Ways to Keep Your Loved One Alive
Hello there! Today we remember our Mom – she passed away 7 years ago. I woke up much earlier than usual this morning and I know it’s connected to her, though I wasn’t restless or anxious in any way when I woke up. The connection is to do with my desire to keep her alive in my heart. She was an …
How to Impact the World – It’s Simple But Not Easy
Think about every great thing, accomplishment or memorable event (could even be when you made a mistake) you have initiated…take some seconds and think about this…what was your emotional state right prior to when it took place? Did you know it would be great and/or memorable? Did …