Hi there! Yesterday you were asked to begin a small project to create order in your space. In all likelihood that project could not be completed in the time allotted. If it was, today you have an opportunity to get another area started. For most of us, we're continuing what we started …
Habits That Help Blog
21 Days of Action – Day 12: Let’s Simplify
Hello! How are things in your neck of the world? In the US it's Memorial Day and many people are celebrating with family gatherings and outdoor grilling. We are grateful for those people who have sacrificed life and limb for their country. THANK YOU and God bless you -- we have a few on this …
21 Days of Action – Day 10: Be still and breathe
Hi there --- we have traveled more than half our journey together and it is exciting! YES!! :-) Let me encourage you to share your achievements, questions and insights and inspire us all. Sharing is a wonderful part of this journey. Today -- do your 3 recurring …