Hi there, These wise and wonderful quotes below have really blessed me over the years. Sometimes a thought or quote can really be EXACTLY what is needed to trigger personal insight and life-changing revelations. Our 21-day journey is all about accountability when you get right down to it. …
Habits That Help Blog
21 Days of Action – Day 8: Share Your Imagination
Hello 21-day traveler, :-) So here we are at Day 8 of our program - 21 days of action, accountability and extreme achievement! Time is moving and it waits for no one. If you’ve fallen behind with your daily action steps, get on up and keep moving. If you’re ahead or on task, …
21 Days of Action – Day 7: What else are you grateful for?
Hello! Today we will linger some more on gratitude. Please repeat yesterday's 5 exercises One change: Expand the area of gratitude ...on a blank page in your journal, create a list completing this sentence: Today, I am grateful for... Also, read all you have written in your journal …