If you are busy everyday, tired every night but yet there is no steady smile in your life you need to find your joy spot. I know, I could just hear some critics now – “but with the condition of this world, WHAT is there to be joyous about?” Especially in the midst of major world disasters, it …
Habits That Help Blog
My negativity surprised me!
Being on this negativity fast has cast a bright light on my dark spots. I’m seeing things I never saw about myself; and it hasn’t been all comfortable! If it were, it would probably be a sign that enough stretching and growing was not happening. Having this challenge to live up to has given …
How to Fast From Negativity in 7 Steps
Hello there! People always speak of fasting from food and special treats but seldom do you hear about fasting from a way of thinking or being. I’ve come to see that both require a serious amount of self-discipline and both bring blessings beyond measure. For Lent this year, I am fasting …