Wow…can you imagine that? A world, your world with no negativity? I know that might sound crazy silly! But let me tell you what I’m thinking. Negativity is being defined as protracted behavior patterns that kill your joy; Ways of talking to yourself and others that puts a stop to …
Habits That Help Blog
Are you available or are you all wrapped up?
Hello, Dr. Therman Evans – describes being available as 3 pronged. All three of these have to be in place for you to be truly available – to your loved ones, your workplace, your education process, your ministry, your …
Forgive to Fight
Hello, On Facebook today I posted this ► Friday Forgiveness Tip: The big violations attached to events in our world - you know, those things we hardly know the truth about but are as real as the sunrise - they need to be released as well. Especially if you want to help right the wrongs. Can't fight …