Hello My Friend, This has been revealed again and again. I have trained and coached thousands in this area for 3+ decades and invariably, those who fail to create a new success habit, fail because they lacked this essential ingredient. Some have said to me that It’s almost a chicken and egg …
Habits That Help Blog
How to handle internal negativity
Hello My Friend, It happens to the best of us! The onslaught of negativity, burdening our mind, our body and our spirit. Be ready for when ANY thought that is less than optimistic or productive or creative or love-centered taps on your mind, heart or spirit! Remember this …
How to forgive yourself for everything
Hello My Friend, Forgiving yourself - daily - is necessary! Easier said than done right? I know, words are so easy to say and truths to spout. But how do you really forgive yourself, if you don’t already have a habit of forgiveness? An assumption is being made here and here it is: I am …