Hello Dear One, Would you speak to your loved ones the way you speak to yourself? Would you allow them to speak to you the way you speak to your self? The things we say to our self can be really mean, unloving and totally unkind. We hurt ourselves constantly with our self-talk. Let's do a …
Habits That Help Blog
11 Favorite Pics & Quotes on the Power of Thoughts
Hello! These 11 pics pick me up and send me soaring -- I hope they do the same for you. :-) The Power of IMAGINATION: Thoughts and ACTION: Don't let your negative thoughts and beliefs WEIGH you DOWN! The SHEER POWER of …
4 Steps To Get Rid Of Negative Thinking
Hello My Friend, Today, if you identify and loosen the hold of even one limiting belief, you will have a break-through. When is entirely up to you. Limiting beliefs lead to thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are way beneath our potential. So we need to change our beliefs AND our …