Hello Dear Friend, This picture warmed my heart, touched my soul and made me grin. I got a clear picture of me in my golden years. :-) So now I have to make sure to make it happen! I want to be a senior who creates art and beauty. And so it will be! How do you see yourself in your later …
Habits That Help Blog
Doing is Not Being – Are You Busy to Avoid Your Truth?
Hello My Friend, The difference between these two words has been the topic of many conversations in our circle. People often confuse doing with being. They think for instance, that because a person is extremely busing doing this and doing that, they "are" what it is they are doing. For example, …
On Being Authentic – And Being Disliked
Hello Dear One, As a young girl I struggled with this -- low/damaged sense of self led to wanting to be liked and loved by all. But let me tell you (!!!) ... the freedom (and joy) that comes from releasing that need (which comes from being a broken spirit) is simply astounding - and so very …