Hello My Friend, We're fooled (by our ego) into thinking negativity makes sense. Anything getting between you and life, you and love and you and peace-of-mind could not possibly be good or make sense. Forgive to Live... how much time are you willing to waste this year? Wishing …
Habits That Help Blog
7 Top TIME WASTERS and What To Do Instead!
Hello My Friend, I won't take too much of your time on this -- if you could stop wasting time how much would your life improve? Just visualize how your creativity, productivity, joy and peace of mind can be IF you used more of your time to actually live the life you dream of and …
The 16 Habits of Highly Successful People
Hello My Friend! Along with my clients, my work keeps me growing and learning and over the years I've collected quite a lot of informal research and insights about habits, success and how one impacts the other. There are certain habits that truly successful people have …