Hello Dear Friend, It is so much easier to say "today I am going to be _____________" - than to do it or be it. Fill in any positive word you'd like. Perhaps, productive? Positive? Optimistic? Joy-filled? Inspired? Complete with the state of being of your choice. Is that enough? Hardly! We …
Habits That Help Blog
How to be wise
Hello My Friend, These two bits of wisdom can save you so much trouble. First, do your best to learn by reflection and not just by painful experience: Wisdom will result. Then, reaping and sowing - or call it Karma, it's the same spiritual principle..what we sow we will reap... So let …
Forgiveness Tip Time
Hello Friend! This year is off to quite a tumultuous start! :-) But with health improving and spirits climbing I am very grateful. Here is your forgiveness tip for the week; Write it, burn it and use it to feed your plants...because... All plans for this year are for naught if you are …