Hello Dear One! It's day 9 - gratitude at, for and about work! The wonderful business of living life. Let's do some random acts of kindness at work today. If you are a business owner, manager or team leader, let members know how grateful you are for their work. People thrive on gratitude …
Habits That Help Blog
Day 8 – Gratitude for HOME & Border Control
Hola Friend! Today we celebrate our home - say 'thank-you' with all of your heart for your place to safely and warmly rest at night. And be sure to wisely maintain some Border Control... It is Essential! ( But let's not block out those things we must change...) Your …
Make someone’s day – 5 ways to SHOW your gratitude; Day 7
Hello Dear Friend, It's Day 7 - Back to Relationships! Let's show our gratitude for loved ones today, especially elders, teens and parents. Let's call them OR, write a sweet note and mail it. Make someone's day! Complaints? Listen today to how many you hear …