Hello! :-) Day 6 - a simple exercise of gratitude. Answer this question by writing 1-3 sentences. Don't just think it, write it. What is your favorite way to demonstrate your gratitude for life? AFFIRM: I am a GRATEFUL person! Tip: Wear a rubber-band on your wrist and snap it each time …
Habits That Help Blog
Day 4 – Gratitude at/for Work
Hello! So here we are, day 4 and the better for it. I have stopped myself (and sometimes only after something just rolled out of my mouth!!!) from going negative more times than I anticipated. The key on this journey is not "be perfect" no, it's "be aware, be forgiving and be …
Gratitude in the midst of Community Chaos – Day 5
"The heart that is constantly overflowing with gratitude will be safe from those attacks of resentfulness and gloom that bother so many persons" Day 5 -- A Focus on Community or Place of Worship... and as I sat to share the post for today, my mind was just elsewhere. So I had to flow that way. …