Hello Gratitude Warriors! As we prepare to launch into our 21-day journey of MASSIVE GRATITUDE & NO Complaining, we've been finding ourselves saying "Oh boy, that's negative" quite a lot! :-) I LOVE the awareness this focus on gratitude and no complaining creates in my spirit. I hope you're …
Habits That Help Blog
21 Days of MASSIVE GRATITUDE & NO Complaining — Join us!
Hola Friend! This is exciting! 21 Days of MASSIVE GRATITUDE…. AND, NO Complaining! Doing this, BEing this, WILL expand your universe. Let’s do this together…SO much easier to do a challenging thing as a group. And my word is it challenging to be consistently grateful and without …
How You Can Overcome Self-Doubt – In The Moment
OK Hello! I had one of those 'human moments" today - we all have them. Being as we are in fact... human :-) Self-doubt reared it's head just as I was about to do something humongous! You know how that goes - "Who do you think you are?" "YOU can't do THAT!" Here's what I did... I really …