Hello My Friend! Have you thought much about what you THINK each day? You will get some great insights into why you do what you do from knowing the pattern of your thoughts and where they lead...and even, what triggers certain thoughts. As I thought of this the book The Ant and the …
Habits That Help Blog
How to Heal – Five Habits That Help
Hello My Friend, If there is hurt on your heart, you're probably, without even intending to, hurting others. I want to encourage you today to heal that hurt. Feel what you need to feel. Deal with it so you can heal through it. Express what you need to express - in writing, in person if possible, …
Why You Must Push Past the Resistance
Hello My Friend, As I was taking off my sneakers this morning, it hit me like a ton of bricks! Again. I REALLY ( I mean REALLY) did NOT feel like working out this morning - as I said to Chris as we began. Just something about dancing around to Zumba, planking and sit-ups that was NOT appealing. …