Hello Dear One, Here's a challenge for today...1) monitor the way you speak to yourself. 2) Wear a rubberband on your wrist and every time you say something negative, snap it! 3) THEN, find a way to flip it and make it positive...or at least neutral and/or factual. I don't think you need to …
Habits That Help Blog
The 5 Best Reasons to Forgive – In Pictures
Hello My Friend! Here's my wish for you today: Why? I've got five fantastic reasons: First... Second... it's about staying healthy Third... it's an opportunity to give back to the world Fourth... Read the tennis ball at the very top... don't …
How to Use Your Imagination in 5 Fun Steps…to Outrageous Productivity!
Hello My Friend, Your imagination is a powerful goal-achieving “machine” used with tremendous success by high achievers in all industries especially sports, music, dance, speaking, writing and other performance based activities. Mental practice is highly effective and all research has supported …