Hello! It's Day 10! Think "there are no limits to my giving" today! Let us give when we think we can't give another moment, another dime, another conversation, another scolding/feedback session, another round of forgiveness. That's what I decided to do a moment ago - my day is jammed pack, …
Habits That Help Blog
21 Days of Giving – Day 8, Gift of Time
Hi there! Today is Day 8 and in this wonderful season of giving let us give, give and give some more. When you hear the word "give" does material giving pop into your head first? Do you immediately get a picture of a physical gift being given to you, or to someone else, by you? If so, I want …
21 Days of Giving, Day 7 – Give Space
Hello Generous Givers! Today is Day 7 and I suggest we give SPACE. Yes, let's give space in the following ways. Self: Give yourself space for grace today. Continuing yesterday's theme of compassion for your self, be gracious as well. Give your self time alone - even if only a minute, it matters. …