Dear one, This picture and quote above caught my attention on Facebook today. It is of course true…our magnificence has nothing to do with our weight or bank account. But yet, though I would venture to say most of us know this, we continue to pine after the things to do with riches, material …
Habits That Help Blog
To Forgive Others, Forgive Your Self First
Hello Dear One, I cannot tell you how many times this issue has surfaced in conversations and sessions with people who are struggling with forgiveness. We are born to love and be at peace with each other. When something stops this flow of energy, you can be sure there is a …
7 Daily Habits Guaranteed to Take You Higher
Hello My Friend, What would you say are your top 5 daily habits? Said another way...what do you do every day, just about, without even thinking about it? Let's not count teeth brushing and bathing, having 5-6 healthy meals and snacks or your modes of transportation. By "top" habits …