Hello Generous Givers!
Day 19 of Giving: Today let us pause and reflect on how well we receive. If you are a reluctant receiver of gifts, your ability to enjoy the act of giving is compromised.
Receiving well – with an open heart, is essential. Many people struggle with that…and think it is a virtue to be reluctant and even object to receiving gifts. It is not a virtue, it in fact points to some unresolved issues with how you see yourself….
Do you see yourself as worthy of receiving love and other gifts? If yes, wonderful. If no, why and how did that feeling come about?
In order to be a generous giver, we must be a happy receiver. To give love to others, we must first receive it from God and from our self.
Loving yourself – I’m sure you know this already (but are you practicing it, is the question) is an essential first step to loving others deeply and purely.
So…reflect on any challenges you experience with the whole matter of receiving from others. The worthiness question is huge…and also, do you see receiving gifts as a way of people controlling you, or you owing something to the giver?
Do you think it is a matter of humility to not seek to receive?
Does it embarrass you to receive gifts from others?
Are you uncomfortable with people thinking highly of you?
Do you recognize the joy that is felt by a person when they give a gift to you? it’s a wonderful thing!
So… try seeing it this way…you receiving with joy, increases their joy…
The saying “it is better to give than to receive” DOES NOT mean it is not good to receive.
Today let us reflect on our joy in receiving — is there room for improvement? If so (and there always is), practice whenever and however you can.
Discuss with a trusted friend and commit to improving your sense of worthiness. See yesterday’s challenge as a reminder of how great and worthy you are.
Sending a boat-load of love your way,
Julette Millien