In responding to a friend’s email recently, it occurred to me that we can all use these suggestions for staying motivated. Her question was ‘how do I stay physically motivated?’
So here it is:
Physical Motivation is something we all need everyday; some days more than others. So here are a few suggestions: (and I know you all do some of these most of the time or even all of the time – in which case try adding a twist, do it in a different place or at a different time or with a different attitude…)
- Get an accountability partner/buddy to share daily/weekly goals with – and respect the relationship by reporting into them consistently and regularly
- WRITE about the lack of motivation and try peeling the proverbial onion back to the source of the lack of motivation…and DEAL with it
- Wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual and talk, then LISTEN to God
- Go to bed without noise, TV, or other distractions that seep into the subconscious
- Listen to at least one powerful piece of music EVERY day
- READ God’s word daily
- Have daily sessions of imaginative play and visualizations around your goals and dreams…SET THOSE GOALS!
- Write daily about your progress and challenges around goals and dreams
- EXERCISE – any kind – 5 times per week, at least 30 mins. WALKING is great choice. ( I do zumba, taebo frequently and weights whenever I can)
- Sign up for a walk or marathon – looking for a partner, would love to do one this spring…
- Do Ring ‘n Pray with us … 🙂 (6 and 7 and 8 a.m. available) [This is where you call someone at 6, 7 or 8 in the morning and pray for them as the phone rings, that’s it!]
- Go OUT and do something different when the slump comes on
- Get busy with an act of kindness when you sense a down feeling coming
- SAY OUT LOUD some powerful affirmations MANY times per day – post them around the house/office
- Start the day with 5 minutes of a routine…deep breathe, drink a glass of water, thank God, stretch, be still…do whatever sequence works best for you…but if the day gets started with a powerful routine every single day, the self-discipline muscle will grow and joy will be more consistent
- WATCH what is being consumed – excess starches, sugars and caffeine…NOT good for moods and motivation. Creates highs and inevitable lows…
- Don’t speak with de-motivating people when you are not motivated and inspired…and even then, BE CAREFUL, guard your mindset
- Decide on a way to handle a lack of motivation, ahead of time and then COMMIT to adhering to that specific prescription when needed. Share this goal with someone…accountability is KEY
- Do whatever it is you DON’T want to do in that moment – do whatever will stretch you
- MASTERMIND! Join or form a mastermind group and get the benefits of group motivation 🙂
Ok…this was SO helpful for me!! You have no idea!…
The following was recorded by me one year ago…
“Yesterday was such a challenging day so I went into the yard/garden and did some physical work, fasted, wrote a little, talked things out with my best friend (and hubby) Chris, prayed consistently and IT DID GET BETTER! I also reached out to two nieces who needed my help, repeated affirmations…”
In other words I did most of the suggestions listed above So I tell you, THEY WORK!!
You just have to commit to a plan, know what works and DO IT consistently.
I hope something here is right on time for you – right now, as you read this article or, useful when next you sense a state of de-motivation or a productivity lull settling in. [Tip: select your top 5, print and post in a place where they will be sure to be seen when needed.]
For those of you creating ‘habits that help’ – you know it takes daily work! Being productive and motivated is essential to staying engaged with the process of habit creation, on a daily basis. So do what works and don’t forget to share your tips with others.
Feel free to pass these on as well.
Wishing you an abundance of joy, success and of course, love.