It kills me these folks that are out saving countries and cultures, industries and species but yet their personal life is in shambles.
Now I know we’ve had many a “hero” who had dismal personal lives but yet managed to do some pretty significant world-saving things; And of course there’re those who’ve made personal mistakes, infecting their legacy with petty drama. I know some names have popped into your minds.
I know it’s possible and many great people have done great things while making major mistakes. But here’s the thing…because it’s possible and it has happened many times in the past…DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT…or IDEAL!
I shoot for ideal. I like striving for ‘perfection.’ Though I know it will never be attained. It’s the striving part that is important, not the arriving. We define perfection (at my business and in my family) as a process where once there is commitment to that process, that’s perfect living!
So back to my main point here…if you want to be engaged in world-saving activity, you will be far more joyful, productive and effective if you start at home. Not to mention the integrity factor.
Save your home, save your family…save YOUR SELF. First things first, a healed and whole person can get so much more good done in the world than someone who is battered and bruised and barely connected to others.
To be healed, whole and connected to your own self, you need to SAVE YOUR SELF!
How so? Save you first by doing the following:
To accomplish any thing in life, to change any behavior, we must first STOP and see where we are and what’s going on. So to be sure you are on a path to wholeness, stop and take stock of what healed and whole means to you…for your specific life. What issues are unresolved? What fears still exist? Who/what do you need to forgive? Stop and reflect on all that is going on with your life, your relationships and your goals. Take stock of all that needs to be surrendered2) SUBMIT
To be healed and whole submitting yourself to the healing process is essential. And what is that really? For me, it is submitting myself to God…to the power of Love in my life. Love heals all. Love IS the healing process. Submitting to love means committing to a mindset of forgiveness; it means forgiving all. To realize our inner power (which is where God lives) we must first give up our so called power over our life. If we hand power over (it has to be a willing hand-over) to the higher authority, we get to have access to that level of power. But this is not possible while we fight to be in control. When we submit we gain the power of that which we submit to. Submit to a positive force, you become powerfully positive; submit to a negativeforce and you become powerfully negative. Submitting leads to humility; Humility is powerfully positive; it’s called potent humility, or humble potency. To save your self – which is to heal yourself and be whole, submitting to the healing power of love, to the process of love is essential.3) SAY SORRY
- Sounds simple doesn’t it? It can be if you have submitted to the power of love. Simple yet powerful. After submitting yourself to the process, you will come up on some things you are sorry about. Saying sorry to yourself and forgiving yourself is essential to moving forward with your healing. We all have regrets about the past; what was done or what wasn’t done. We need to get the lesson, acknowledge the regret, forgive and move on.
- Saying sorry to others – this is imperative. To be healed, we have to hold ourselves accountable for all that has transpired. This includes apologizing to those we have offended or disappointed and whether you are forgiven or not, this will heal your soul
- When you stop, submit and are sorry (and say you are sorry) your baggage is dropped, your load gets lighter, you acquire spiritual wings which permit you to soar; you take flight and become whole.
- Then you must secure your mindset of love, submission and healing. To make the decision to fully commit to the first three steps is amazingly brave. But it doesn’t end there. You have to now be amazingly smart and secure your new mindset. Change is not usually welcomed; there will be push-back, internal resistance.
- You secure your mindset by having a plan to neutralize that resistance; by doing daily work to maintain and grow that mindset. And, by having your guards on duty.
- Security systems all have their look out points and methods of detection. Set up your system for detecting obstacles to your healing and enemies of your mindset. Learn to detect those “feelings” and baby thoughts that grow into monsters of negativity and destruction. Secure your mind and emotions from negativity and doubt.
- Ultimately it’s all about spreading the love. When you are on the path of healing and wholeness, this is where you are headed; to a place where spreading love, healing the world is not only possible, it’s inevitable.
- Spreading and sharing love is not only the end to the means, it is also the means. It’s not only the thing to do when we are whole and healed; it is also the thing to do to GET healed and whole. So this step is both the beginning and the end of this heal yourself and heal the world process.
- You spread love through acts of kindness and love; by being your most loving self, your highest and best self. This means, using your skills and talents in the most productive and far-reaching ways. It means being involved and fully engaged in our world, beyond your family and community. It means being consistent in all the venues of our life. The Five Vital Venues™ are your SELF, at HOME, at WORK/BUSINESS/SCHOOL, in all RELATIONSHIPS and in the COMMUNITY/Place of Worship. Loving yourself and everybody in these five venues is spreading love at your highest and best. Anything less, is not your best.
Being fully invested and engaged in this 5-step process guarantees you many things, like:
- Being healed and whole
- An abundance of joy, peace, prosperity and love
- Healed and whole relationships
- Increased effectiveness and personal power in every day living
- Amazing productivity and creativity
- Achieving your goals at the highest levels
- A lasting legacy of love and service
- A life of service which includes a commitment to facing the challenges facing our world and participating in solutions
- Clarity about specifically how you can “save the world”
- An unlimited supply of energy and ability to SAVE THE WORLD!
Like a pebble thrown in a pond, with cascading circles…start at the inner circle by healing yourself, then by serving those closest to you; expanding out as your reach grows.
Of course a person does not have to wait for complete healing and wholeness…if that in fact ever arrives, before spreading their wings in service to others. It’s more a matter of mindset and intentions.
If a person is off “saving the world” and have no desire or intention to be whole or to love their family and friends or colleagues and peers, their service to others will be compromised as we can only spread love in direct proportion to the love we have within. Without love of self, and all those we are connected to, gestures of love and service will be hollow or at best, short-lived.
We have to fill our tanks.
We cannot give on empty.
We don’t need to be perfect, completely healed or whole, we just need to be on the journey; and be fully committed to the process of healing and loving, helping and giving.
Wishing you an abundance of love, light and service,