[This 21-day series is focused on KINDNESS, a tremendous Habit that Helps. 21 Days of Action with Kindness is also a Facebook event. If you’re on Facebook you are invited to join us… Today is Day 4~ previous messages begin here with Day 1 Day 2 and Day 3 ]
This has been such a challenging week! It seems the moment you decide to focus on certain things in life, other things begin to demand attention! WHEW! …but the pull towards being kind has kept me grounded and on course! So it’s all good.
I hope you’re having a good ole time on this adventure and meeting the challenges as best you can with a bit of kindness and a smile. 🙂
We started with a focus on the SELF venue because frankly without love and kindness towards self, there really isn’t a chance of genuine kindness to others. We will continue to include the self venue as we move onto relationships, work/business/school, home and community/POW venues over the next 17 days.
Let’s move on to focus on the RELATIONSHIP venue. For many this is the venue where much pain, bad memories and challenges exist. For others, being kind towards loved ones is all they can muster in life. Wherever you are along that this continuum, today and the next two days are dedicated to being kind and loving towards the people you are in relationships with.
To get you started…a quick exercise in the SELF venue…pretend today that you are an angel that can fly. Yes, visualize having this ability and think of the wonderful kind things you would do in that state of lightness and easy flight. How would you bring joy to others? Allow your self 5-10 minutes of imaginative play as a ‘flying angel.’ Imagine all the details as clearly as possible. Have fun with this, get creative and relaxed, breathing deeply and slowly as you begin…
After this imagination exercise, move on to the relationship venue. Today let’s focus on those younger than us – our children, younger nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, siblings, colleagues, etc
Pick someone and do as many of the following as you can:
- Tell him/her something wonderful you’ve noticed about how they think or live
- Spend 10-30 minutes together doing something of their choice
- Buy them a small gift of appreciation
- Surprise them by doing something you KNOW they would love
- Write them a love note, leave in a spot to be found later on
- Cook a meal together
- Play their favorite game and really try to get into it
- Ask their opinion on something important and listen to learn not to criticize
- Grant them forgiveness for something they’ve done
- Ask them about their goals/dreams/wishes, asking follow-up questions with sincere interest and enthusiasm
Finally, as before, do one random act of kindness that just flows in the course of your day…something that pops up spontaneously and lovingly.
OK…so that’s our day 4 suggestions. Please share with us how things are going on this kindness adventure; remember, your acts of kindness will bless us as we read them and will provide us with great ideas to try in our own lives.
Have a wonderful weekend – I’ll be in touch with short notes of suggestions and kindness ideas.
Wishing you an abundance of kind and loving moments,