Back in October we did this powerful 21-Day Detox Challenge – of Spirit, Mind & Body and about 400 people participated. It was truly challenging but ( ‘but’ is probably the wrong word there!) so very rewarding. Most of the time what is challenging in life is exactly where we find the highest rewards.
It was such a fantastic ride – with joy and productivity off the charts. By popular demand the detox is being offered again. It was such a MAGNIFICENT ride of daily joy, creativity and productivity; I had to agree to do it again before 2011.
So for the month of December we will focus on blog updates pertaining to this journey.
You are invited to join us and I promise you, if you fully commit to these 21 challenges you WILL experience a transformation like no other you have ever experienced. Guaranteed!
The music video with challenges is here. Watch and decide if you will jump on board for a serious but fantastic set of challenges. I will be giving daily detox reminders and fun tips and exercises throughout the month.
- December 1st – 7th — PLANNING and Preparing
- December 8th – 28th — ACTION…21-Day Detox
- December 29th – 31st — LEARNING…review and next steps
I am so excited about taking on this 21-day detox challenge again! It’s going to be even more fabulous this time around. (October was my most productive month of the entire year!)
I hope to have you on the journey! Let me know if you’re on board – this serves as a declaration of your intent (which is really helpful with keeping you committed) :-).
Wishing you all the best during this wonderful time of year,
Julette Millien
P.S. If you did this challenge in October and didn’t complete it the way you wanted to…here’s your opportunity to do it again. Nothing like another chance!! 🙂
If you did it and completed it the way you intended, here’s another opportunity to do the challenges at an even higher level of commitment and output. {and YEAH YOU!]
WHAT a fantastic way to end 2010…and say hello to 2011 ►►► AT YOUR VERY BEST!!