Hi there! [Today is day 18 of our 21-day kindness adventure – see previous messages here ]
I think we all, at one time or another, really want to be kind. We want kindness and we do want to extend it to others as well.
But what gets in the way? And even more, why does it seem so hard for many people?
Kindness is an act of love. Now we do a great job of acting kind and loving but often we’re really not having the inner experience to back those actions up. This conflict makes being kind very tiring and draining.
Just picture it…on the inside you’re not really feeling love or having kind thoughts about what you’re doing or for the person/people you’re doing it for; the conflict that results and the toxic chemicals released saps your energy! This makes doing future acts of kindness more unlikely. Who wants to be in conflict?
So the question is – why would that conflict exist in the first place? Why would you not have an inner experience of kindness and love?
Here’s one major reason:
If you’re not loving yourself and being kind to yourself you are not at peace period. If you’re not at peace…translated to, having inner turmoil and conflict… you need to take care of first things first.
So examining why you are not being kind to yourself is essential.
Why would that be?
Do you feel unworthy of kindness – How have you set your mind about your value and lovable-ness? This requires some thought.
Deep down, where it counts, how do you feel about yourself? What have you not forgiven yourself for? What prior experience is continuing to dominate your thoughts, beliefs and feelings – most likely without your conscious permission or attention?
These questions when answered will open the door to necessary self-knowledge and awareness.
If you find it challenging to be kind to yourself, ask these questions. If you find it challenging to be kind to others, ask these questions. And even if you find it easy to be kind to others BUT not to yourself, please ask these questions.
How you have your mind set is beneath it all. Take note, the question is not “what is your mindset?” That question assumes a static response. It just is what it is.
The question I ask is “how have you set your mind?” How you ask yourself a question is pivotal. Embedded in the latter version is a sense of empowerment.
YOU have set your mind and need to be accountable for that. If it’s to be changed, only you can do it.
However you have set your mind about whether or not you are deserving of kindness or about whether you see yourself as a kind person will determine the results you get when trying to be kind.
I hope and even pray that you ask the questions above – here again for your convenience:
► How have you set your mind about your value and lovable-ness?
► Deep down, where it counts, how do you feel about yourself?
► What have you not forgiven yourself for?
► What prior experience is continuing to dominate your thoughts, beliefs and feelings – most likely without your conscious permission or attention?
And let’s add another:
► If you could right now, what changes would you make in order to re-set your mind?
Spend some time today, in quiet reflection as you ponder that question.
Then be sure to do your daily act of random kindness. Let it be in the moment.
Also, read your love-note. (Excellent way to re-set your mind!)
Have a wonderful day and give yourself a major pat on the back for reading this post to the end! Lol [self-reflection takes serious courage and commitment to living your best life – and a real sign of loving yourself and others :-)]
Wishing you an abundance of love, light and joy,