Hello My Friend,
What would you say are your top 5 daily habits?
Said another way…what do you do every day, just about, without even thinking about it?
Let’s not count teeth brushing and bathing, having 5-6 healthy meals and snacks or your modes of transportation. By “top” habits let’s look at those habits that are both deeply rooted and connected to who you are….positive or negative.
Some examples would be: reading an hour (or any amount of time) a day, watching a particular news program consistently – perhaps even at a certain time, sitting in a particular chair, physical exercise, coffee and other morning must-haves, rushing and lateness, morning or nighttime routines executed without fail, prayer and/or meditation time, family time, strolls and walks, playtime and talk time, gossiping, quiet time, daily/weekly rituals of any kind, worry and anxiety (this may be a habit to the point where it’s not even recognized as a “thing” you “do” anymore) scripture reading, any kind of personal or professional development activities, sleeping to the sound of the TV, affirming, etc., etc.
Reflect on your top five. Are they creating the virtues and outcomes you seek?
How about trying on a few new or tweaked daily habits this week?
If you already do these, or some version of them, try pumping up the volume and do them with a twist by adding more time, focus or intention.
7 Powerful Daily Habits:
- Devote 15 – 30 minutes each morning, ideally soon after you wake up, to vivid imagination playtime – see your day unfold as you would like it to with all the highlights, outcomes and courageous actions you are capable of
- Morning stillness – prayer and meditation to receive divine guidance
- As you drift off to sleep and as you rise… say “thank you God” for at least 3 things
- Learn a new thing or a new word…no matter how small
- Do at least one RAOK (random act of kindness)…again, size does not matter
- Listen, as you work or even better, as you sit still with eyes closed to one inspiring, spiritually stirring and emotionally uplifting piece of music
- JUMP into action…get physically active, heart rate up for at least 20 – 30 minutes (5x per week and you can do as little as 10 minutes the other 2)
This one is not daily but it is so good…taken from Oprah.com. (Small Habits Than Can Make a Big Difference)
Brush Your Teeth with Your Other Hand
“Using your nondominant hand to do simple chores can improve your mood and your memory; that’s because the action stimulates the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that encourages the growth of neurons linked to long-term memory and mood. “When you’re depressed or under stress, your brain’s production of BDNF plummets,” says Moses Chao, PhD, professor of neuroscience and psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine. (One of the lesser-known effects of antidepressants, he says, is to raise the levels of BDNF.) Anything unexpected—smelling rosemary first thing in the morning, for example—can activate BDNF.”
Try these on for a week – just 7 days and see the magnificent difference in your life! Even after a day you will feel a swell of optimism and well-being.
Wishing you a abundance of self-discipline, love and productivity,