I have been working in the self-help industry for almost three decades. I've coached hundreds of people and taught thousands. Burn-out for me came in 1998. I wish I could give the details but ethics won’t allow. I can only give a general overview. While I was coaching a senior executive on …
Habits That Help Blog
How Knowing Your Ant From Your Elephant Helps With Self-Discipline
The following message was sent to the participants of the 75 Days of Action Challenge on Facebook. Hi there self-disciplined people! Yesterday we referenced that Aristotle quote about creating habits of excellence by what you DO each day. Today I’d like you to consider what you THINK each …
21-Day Detox Challenge ~ Spirit, Mind & Body
F R E E 21-Day Challenge! Welcome to the powerful 21-Day Detox: Spirit, Mind and Body ! If you are fully committed to these challenges you WILL experience a transformation like no other you have ever experienced. Well of course you may be a consistently high-performing person who gracefully …