Wow…can you imagine that? A world, your world with no negativity? I know that might sound crazy silly!
But let me tell you what I’m thinking.
Negativity is being defined as protracted behavior patterns that kill your joy; Ways of talking to yourself and others that puts a stop to uplifting and motivating outcomes. By ‘talking’ I mean self-talk, which is largely silent and verbal exchanges with others.
If you have a habit of speaking in a way that discourages, blames, complains, whines, invokes guilt or shame, attacks or in any way belittles yourself or another, you have a pattern of negativity.
I had a pattern of negativity…towards myself mostly, but not exclusively.
“Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I still haven’t done x, y, or z” NEGATIVE!
“Yikes, why am I so dumb (stupid, silly, crazy, etc)” NEGATIVE!
“Why do you always do THAT?” (here, the tone matters most) NEGATIVE!
“You’re always not listening to me!” NEGATIVE!
With negativity, tone is as significant as words. There is that presumption of guilt, a whining behind the meaning and a general heaviness of spirit that comes through when the heart is not in a positive, uplifting and optimistic place.
But you know what…even when it is in the right place (the heart) sometimes bad habits take hold and the words and tone might still slip back into a pattern of negativity.
So hence, I arrive at the place of “giving up negativity.”
I grew up Catholic so there was always a respect for the season of Lent in my home. I was always encouraged to ‘give something up.’ And I always tried to comply. But it was usually things to do with stuff I loved to eat.
In recent years we’ve (at my church and with my family) fasted from complaining and mumbling and it has been a real eye-opener. I had no idea it would be so tough to control negative thinking and speaking!
Here I am thinking I’m so positive! Yikes…ok, see there, that thought almost went down the tubes! 🙂
Anyways…this Lent (though not a practicing Catholic anymore, I still love Lent) I’m giving up ALL negativity.
No grumbling, murmuring, complaining, nagging, self-sabotage, gossiping, griping, or any form of negativity yet to be named.
Bow this does NOT mean that I am forbidden from scolding my children or commenting on social or political happenings – God forbid! There is a way to complain and scold WITHOUT getting into the impotence of negativity.
I will be scolding evenly, ensuring and maintaining respect for my children. When we have a complaint about our society, we have a responsibility to not only voice it but to also take action. That is not negative. That is required. And there is obviously a way to be fully engaged in our world without whining and grumbling.
Stating an assessment or observation with an eye towards a solution and with an intention to be a part of that solution is very positive.
So with those conditions set, I have engaged my fast from negativity. Won’t you join me?
These are the benefits I am expecting: MORE joy, love, peace, creativity, great rest and relaxation periods, happier family, affection, self-discipline, grace, mercy, PATIENCE, faith, kindness, gentleness, humility, family fun, happy clients, productivity, time, energy, focus and clarity.
Can you imagine what your (our) world would be like without negativity? Spend a few minutes imagining just that. Yes, challenging…but isn’t it absolutely worth it? 🙂
Wishing you an abundance of peace, love and joy,